Quantum Fertilizer

Farmers typically use large quantities of chemical/synthetic fertilizers to keep the soil fertile. They are happy with the larger yield of vegetation and the fast growth. However, the chemicals used destroy the soil, find their way to streams and rivers, and harmfully affect the vegetation including its quality and nutritional value. 

Since the introduction of chemical fertilizers to farmers, there has been history of a love-hate relationship between the farmer and the product itself. When compared to traditional organic fertilizer, chemical fertilizer is not a preferred product for any type of sustainable farming. However, farmers and agricultural companies did not have a choice. Simply put they need to stick with a chemical product for one important reason: the bottom line.

The alternative solution is using organic fertilizers. Using only animal manure and poultry droppings as raw material for fertilizer.

On one side, farmers are happy with the larger yield of vegetation and the fast growth. However, the chemicals used destroy the soil, find their way to streams and rivers, and harmfully affect the vegetation including its quality and nutritional value. The fertilizer further pushes its chemical components or footprints into streams, rivers and annexes ecosystems where it causes even more damage.

When compared to traditional organic fertilizer, chemical fertilizer is not a preferred product for any type of sustainable farming. However, farmers and agricultural companies did not have a choice. Simply put they need to stick with a chemical product for one important reason: the bottom line.

The NAPCORP Solution

Our Quantum Fertilizer is designed with an ability to combine various benefits of chemical and organic into a single product: health and environmental benefits of organic fertilizer, and the high yield benefits of the chemical fertilizer – eliminating health and/or various environmental drawbacks, while also importantly being cost effective.  fertilizer industry.

This amazing solution is a result of NAPCORP’S unique and exclusive nanotechnology that has created a paradigm shift in agriculture.

National, Environmental & Financial Impacts

It goes without mentioning that any country wants to become fully independent and self-sufficient when it comes to food security and agriculture. The majority of countries are net importers of chemical fertilizers and spend massive amounts of foreign currency to secure fertilizers for their farmers. 

The Quantum Fertilizer with its unique nanotechnology only requires one raw material; Animal dung. Any country will benefit by not needing to import any fertilizers. The benefit do not stop there. 

Key Benefits:

Here are some other benefits that come with the Quantam fertilizer:

The Quantum Fertilizer is 100% free from seeds, bacterial or fungal pathogens

Less irrigation of soil

Increases the soil’s capacity of storing water by close to 300%.

Supports livestock farmers

by way of using animal manure as the raw material, thereby helping with waste handling and disposal and saving the environment

Benefits Farmer & Customers

Farmers can sell organic products at the cost of nonorganic products.