
The NAPCORP organic agricultural does not stop with the organic Nano fertilizer. The only way to ensure that the end product is an organic crop in addition to the use of organic fertilizer is the use of Bio-Pesticides.

Traditional pesticides are toxic, yet they are a necessary evil. Farmers will lose a lot of money if the pests attack the crops. 

The NAPCORP Bio-Pesticide is a natural nontoxic product that kills the pests and doesn’t harmfully affect the plant and crop. This formula is created uniquely to each targeted local area to target specific pests and eliminate them in an environmentally fashion. This unique bio-pesticide also kills pests that spread diseases amongst humans.

Common Pests

Mosquitoes, black flies and sandflies are a constant threat to health and comfort.

Sand Fly

Black Fly


Many of them act as a vector for many of the world’s most serious diseases, both parasitic e.g. malaria (Anopheles), lymphatic filariasis (Anopheles, Aedes, Culex and Mansonia), leishmaniasis (Phlebotomus sp), Onchocerciasis (Simulium) and viral e.g. yellow fever, dengue and encephalitis (Aedes and Culex).

Vector control, when feasible, can play a major role in the disease’s prevention

We will produce three NAPCORP mosquito & fly bio-pesticides have been developed by our research group with cooperation with the scientists in Wuhan Institute of virology, part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

1. Bs Mosquito-Larvicidal Liquid Formulation
​​​​​​​2. Bti Mosquito-Larvicidal Liquid Formulation
3. Bti/Bs Complex Mosquito-Larvicidal Liquid Formulation

The application of these products have been tested and gave very promising results both in the lab and field.